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Daily Driver Tech

The devices that we use in a day...links to all products below.

I will look at what is on the desk in front of me and likely in front of you as you read this - A computer.

M1 Pro 14-inch Macbook Pro - I have to say this is the most impressive computer I have ever used. The speed with which apps open, videos render, you name it, this thing is a beast.

External Monitors - 2 Samsung 24-inch curved monitors. Nothing too crazy here, but if you are still on a single screen, I highly recommend you give an external monitor a shot; it is a productivity game-changer.

If I need to travel for more than a few days, I will bring my Espresso External Monitor, which connects to my device via USB-C, allowing me to turn any hotel room or coffee shop into a sanctuary for productivity.

Keyboard - I am currently using the Apple Smart Keyboard (what makes it smart, you ask? No idea). More than anything, this allows me to put some space between my face and these screens.

Mouse - no surprise here; we are using the Apple Mouse. You know, the one with the worst-designed charging port in the history of technology. Yes, that one. For years, I used the Magic Trackpad, but the mouse is less cumbersome and allows me to be much more precise when editing a website or video or just trying to keep from clicking the wrong button on Zoom.

Notepad - there is something about writing with pen and paper. I use my iPad Air and Apple Pencil to jot down notes or collaborate with team members. However, I would only make it a day without a pen and paper. The satisfaction that comes from writing down your to-do list and crossing them off as you complete them, one by one, there is nothing better.

Side note: I prefer to have a blue pen and a red pen. I write my notes in blue and cross them off with the red pen. Additionally, I will typically carry two highlighters with me, yellow and pink. The yellow items must be done by the end of the day, and the pink highlights are reserved for tasks that must be completed by the end of the week. Color coordination helps me visualize tasks more tangibly.

Headphones: This is likely not the case for all of us, but for me, I wear headphones all day. When the headphones go on, I am in 'my burrow', ready to be productive and focused. My headphones of choice at the moment are the Apple Airpods Max (starting to see a bit of a trend, eh?). They also have the added benefit of keeping my hair under control for Zoom Video Calls.

The most obvious of all, my phone.

I have never liked the massive, can barely fit in your oversized jean pockets (and no luck for the ladies on this one) phones. My daily driver is currently an iPhone 13 Mini. I like the smaller size, the battery life, however, can be a real pain. PS. Please bring back the smaller sizes Apple.

Lastly, a watch. Growing up, I was also an old-school Casio guy and wore that thing religiously. Then, Apple decided to make a watch...

The longer I own the watch, the fewer notifications I have turned on. The watch's primary functions for me are a fitness tracker and a way to find my phone. I frequently leave my phone all over the place, and the little ping-your-phone feature is a godsend.

There are other little things that I use every day, like a postit roll on whiteboard, a personal journal, a kindle, etc. We will cover the more unique items in another post. We hope you find this helpful. Let us know what your daily drivers are in the comments.

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